AGGRA multiplier event

Prošlog četvrtka, 25. ožujka, održana je završna online konferencija projekta „Apprenticeship HUBs in agro-food sector“. Zbog epidemiološke situacije i mjera konferencija je održana online putem Teams aplikacije, te je na njoj sudjelovalo 104 sudionika iz privatnog i javnog sektora. Na konferenciji su predstavljene projektne aktivnosti i ostvareni rezultati projekta. Završna konferencija označila je i kraj projekta koji je trajao od 31. prosinca 2018. do 30. ožujka 2021. godine.

Osnivanje centara za naukovanje

U sklopu projekta Apprenticeship HUBs  in agri-food sector uspješno su otvorena četiri centra za naukovanje u Hrvatskoj, Grčkoj, Italiji I MđARSKOJ. Svaki centar predstavlja strukturu čiji je glavni cilj povećati ponudu mjesta za naukovanje pri malim i srednjim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima i malim prehrambenim industrijama.

Namjena Centara za naukovanje je pružiti podršku pružateljima usluga strukovnog obrazovanja, tvrtkama i studentima strukovnog obrazovanja, a također odgovaraju ponudi i potražnji za takvim pozicijama.

Radionica u Grčkoj

IDEC SA i INASO-PASEGES zajednički su organizirali radionicu i tom prilikom predstavili projekt Apprenticeship HUBs in agri-food sector. Radionica je održana tijekom konferencije pod nazivom „Hydroponics Today“, 3. ožujka, u Europskom muzeju dekorativnog kruha, u Varnavasu, Atika.

Radionici je prisustvovalo 49 ljudi, među njima:

  • strukovni učitelji i nastavnici
  • studenti strukovnog obrazovanja
  • članovi poljoprivrednih tvrtki
  • poljoprivrednici
  • istraživači hidroponike
  • poljoprivredne organizacije
  • zakonodavna vlast
  • centar za istraživanje i tehnologiju

February 2020 – Staff capacity building meeting in Florence

The first capacity building meeting for the staff of the App HUB project was successfully conducted from the 18th to the 22nd of February 2020 in Florence, Italy.
Besides Regione Toscana which was the hosting organization, there were also representatives of all the project’s partners.

During those 4 productive days, a plethora of activities took place:

  • A hands-on tutorial on the proper use of, both from the admin’s and the user’s perspective.
    A significant part of the workshop was dedicated to the Positions section, the platform for submitting calls for new apprenticeship positions openings, which is going to be one of the project’s most essential elements.
  • The Apprenticeship Hubs operation manual was presented, discussed and finalized among the team.
    This particular document is going to be the main guide throughout the creation and the establishment of the national HUBs.
  • A group visit was organized to the Ruffino winery, one of the most recognizable Toscany based brands worldwide, in order to receive a first-hand feedback on their apprenticeship program and, of course, to take a peek into the backstage of this historic establishment.
  • A series of good practice presentations, task reports and discussions on the project’s next steps that boosted the workflow and kept everyone up to date.

Special thanks to the Regione Toscana apprentices who provided us with some great culinary creations and a great hospitality.
After the meeting was over, they were all awarded certificates of attendance and special gift bags. It was a symbolic and adherent to the project’s ideas move, inspired by our exceptional host Regione Toscana, that maximized the meeting’s efficiency and quality.

Apart from the above, it was the team bonding, both inside and outside the official meetings, that really kept the team going, got us to know each other even better, and gave a great push in order for the project’s goals to be fulfilled at their fullest in the future!

Until then.. Arrivederci!

July 2019 – Second meeting in Greece

The second meeting of the Erasmus+ project Apprenticeship HUBs in agro-food sector took place at the offices of Νεα πασεγες in Athens, Greece. The meeting was combined with a workshop on Quality Assurance for Apprenticeships, where partners elaborated on the first version of the Apprenticeship Hub model for the agro-food sector.

Through the project, four pilot Apprenticeship HUBs will be created in Croatia, Greece, Italy and Hungary. They will have as a primary goal to increase the offer of apprenticeship positions in agricultural establishments and small food industries and will provide support services to VET providers, companies and VET students, on organising apprenticeships.

February 2019 – Kick off Meeting in Croatia

The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project Apprenticeship HUBs in agro-food sector took place on the 12th and 13th of February 2019, in the premises of AGRRA in Croatia.

Partner presented their organisations and planned the first activities for the implementation of the project.

The key objectives of the AppHUBs project are:

  • to increase the offer of high-quality apprenticeship places in agricultural and food sector, by engaging small farms and small food industries in apprenticeships;
  • to build sustainable partnerships between VET providers and employers/farmers at local and transnational level;
  • to build capacity of VET providers and employers/farmers in organizing and hosting apprenticeships;
  • to increase transnational mobility and work placements of VET students in agriculture.